Contact ProScooter

Send the team at ProScooter a message. Complete the form below and hit Send. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

You can also try the FAQ for frequently asked questions and answers. It covers many things that people and businesses ask and may save you having to create a message.

  • Note that the form was not working for an unknown period, even though it displayed as being sent. If you have sent us email in recent times (before November 2020) and did not receive a response, this was likely the cause. We apologise for any inconvenience.

    Where is ProScooter?

    We have people in both the Gold Coast and Brisbane in Queensland. South East Queensland is our local area, but we do travel extensively.

    Can I call you?

    We are happy to speak with businesses, organisers and others in the industry to organise interviews, profiles, partnerships and more. In the first instance please make contact through the form above, leaving your contact, and we will call you at a time that’s convenient for you.

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